A Rich September is Upon Us
28. srpna 2023
The days are getting shorter, the summer heat is leaving us, there are more cars in the cities and fewer parking spaces - the holidays are simply coming to an end. But we are looking forward to what awaits us after them, because there are exciting events and challenges ahead for Mikov.

On 9 September, the second Saturday in September, you can meet us at the Knives 2023 exhibition in Pribram. This time it will be a special meeting, because the exhibition will include a screening of our documentary film "Repetitor - we can't forget". Present and ready to answer questions will be both direct participants of the Czech army mission UNPROFOR Roman Čelanský and Jiří Suda, who were wounded during the minute shelling, and the author of the documentary Bedřich Jetelina.
During the exhibition there will also be on display two unique specially adapted Repetitor knives engraved with the names of both fallen soldiers, which have a shrapnel from the mortar shell that took their lives embedded in the sheath. As every year, you will find our stand where they will be displayed in its traditional place.
If you cannot make it to Příbram, you can still see the film and the knives at an extraordinary exhibition at the Museum of Cutlery Tradition in Mikulášovice until 17 September. And right after that, their auction will start on the Aukro portal.
The beautiful late summer days encourage you to go on excursions and the surroundings of Mikulášovice are really beautiful. And because the museum is also part of our well-stocked shop, where you can buy knives that are not available elsewhere. For example, you can test them immediately while walking to the Tanečnice lookout tower or mushrooming in the surrounding forests.