Ruby Knives in Full Force

When we introduced the first four Ruby kitchen knives this spring, we promised that a complete set of knives of the same name would be available in the fall. And this is the time.


Hubert is our latest hunting knife to date. It is named after the patron of hunters, Saint Hubert, whose holiday we celebrate on November 3 - at the time of autumn hunts.

Mikov and Narex Bystrice - Combination of two traditions

When in January 2019 our company bought a manufacturer of hand tools Narex Bystrice, it was a decision, which was aimed to connect and support production and trade in our country, not only in Czech Switzerland but also and under Blaník, Bystřice. Less than a year of cooperation confirms that this was the right way.

Soutěž v časopise Svět myslivosti

Myslivci a lovci patří mezi naše nejlepší zákazníky. Uvědomujeme si, že pořádný nůž patří k jejich výbavě stejně tak, jako přesná kulovnice či brokovnice nebo kvalitní obuv.

Letní prázdninová fotosoutěž zná svoje vítěze

Na začátku prádznin jsme pod názvem „Nůž Mikov na prázdninách“ vyhlásili tři kategroie souěže o nejlepší fotografie. Do uzávěrky na konci září nám přišla necelá stovka příspěvků ze kterých jsme nyní vybrali vítěze.

Stovka- a Universal Knife

When you go out don't forget a tie, jacket, wallet, and cellphone. But when you go to the forest, wear outdoor clothing, backpack, quality shoes, and bike jersey. What about knives? It is also necessary to choose your knife according to the occasion - a special one for hunting, another for cutting overgrown terrain and another for cooking. And then there are universal knives that will not disappoint, although as with all universal things, it is at the cost of some compromise. This universality and compromise, however, is not a disadvantage, but just a characteristic feature.

Knives are sharp and pointed - so far

Brexit is not the only trending topic in the UK nowadays. Safety is also a big issue. Of course, there have already been a series of knife killings in the country, and people want a solution. An interesting contribution to the debate, reported by The Telegraph (and in our server, is a petition that asks the government to ban or at least radically restrict the sale of sharp-tipped kitchen knives.

The real power of neodymium magnets

Among the office supplies, which, besides knives and industrial connectors, are another very important part of Mikov's production program, include magnets. Of course, these can be common ones, which we offer in various colors, but also neodymium, which is an interesting material.