A knife is the Most Useful Promotional Item
5. června 2019
Perhaps every one of us has sometimes left a business meeting loaded down with a number of leaflets, catalogs and promotional items from a company visit. However, there is rarely a good knife among them. We think it's a shame.

Therefore, in 2016, we conducted a survey in which we contacted 2090 people (1060 men and 1030 women) in shopping centers in Prague and Brno. We asked them to choose one of the four promotional items that they considered most useful. They could choose between a pencil, a diary, a T-shirt, and a knife.
The result pleased us because both men and women chose the knife. Among men, 370 of them put the knife first, among women it was 310. Among women, there were diaries in the second place, while among men it was the pencil. Among men, a pencil beats a T-shirt, on the other hand among women a T-shirt just slightly lagged behind a diary.
As far as our practice is concerned, the most frequently produced Mikov advertising knife is Rybička, the customers can have their logo engraved on its blade. It is also complemented by a metal luxury box, also with the company logo.
But of course, it doesn't just stay at Rybička. Closing Stovky or Praktiky are also used as promotional knives, while Predator, Jaguar or Pocket knives are more luxury business presents.
However, every knife we offer can become an advertising knife. It is up to the creativity of those who want to pay attention to it. Our staff will help you find and create the best possible solution for the shape, size, and location of your company logo or selected banner.