Screwed or riveted?

17. června 2024

Closing knives consist of a number of components that are assembled together by screwing or riveting. Mikov makes knives both ways - and each has its fans and detractors - among customers and knifemakers alike. But let's take an objective look at the advantages and disadvantages of each technology.

Typical representatives of bolt-on knives in Mikov's range are the EDC Elipt or the gentleman's Pocket knives. Bolted knives are easier to disassemble, clean and lubricate, or easier to replace a damaged part. It should be noted here, however, that disassembling knives is not for everyone. There is no point in disassembling a working knife, and disassembling and then especially reassembling a knife requires a certain amount of skill and technical ability. The biggest disadvantage of bolted knives, on the other hand, is that the bolts have to be tightened after a while because they can loosen.

Mikov manufactures riveted knives traditionally. These include ejector Predators, Fixir, Hablock, Hunter, Hubert or even the closing Stovka. They are very strong and durable, the rivets are less prone to loosening and do not require regular tightening. For many customers, they also look more elegant and traditional. However, they cannot be easily disassembled, which makes them difficult to maintain, modify and repair.

Wherever there is a choice between the two options, each finds its passionate fans and critics. Naturally, it can be no different when deciding between bolted and riveted knives. But whether you belong to one of these camps or are smiling a little at the whole debate, Mikov wishes you to choose the best knife for you, one that will give you pleasure for a long time and become a useful and indispensable tool.