Greetings from Bohemian Switzerland

7. dubna 2020

The town of Mikulášovice is depopulated, pubs are closed, but people go to the woods, learn new crafts, work in the gardens, go fishing. And even though the closed borders may remind us of past times, we believe that everything will turn out well.

Czech Switzerland is beautiful and according to the latest reports also without coronavirus. Nevertheless, we remain careful in Mikov, we follow all regulations, but we produce. Of course, the situation also affects us.

Many of our dealers had to close, the sales shifted to the online sphere. To make it easier for customers to order, we temporarily lowered our prices by 15% across the board and pushed the threshold beyond $ 25 for postage. Fixirs, UTONs, Leaves, Patrons and other goods can be purchased at our e-shop as if you went to the store for them. 

You may have also noticed that in the United States, with the rise of COVID-19 cases, arms sales have also risen sharply. There is, of course, a different situation in the Czech Republic, firearms are not so accessible, it also does not appear that the security situation in our country worsens. 

Nevertheless, we should not completely neglect our security. First of all, the electronic one - when making purchases choose serious e-shops and be careful entering passwords into online services. But we also have to think about physical defence, where we also have something to offer you from our assortment. 

We wish you a lot of patience, health and good luck to go through this difficult time with the least possible losses. And we believe that when the situation improves, we will meet somewhere in our beautiful Czech Switzerland when you come for a trip or a holiday.