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Mikov will be a successor of Lubomír Maďarič

There are not many knife makers who have impressed themselves into the minds of knife fans in the past thirty years, like Mr. Lubomír Maďarič. A trained locksmith, who excelled in athletics and weightlifting in his youth, began making his first knives back in 1972. Since then he has become a master of the fine crafts in a good sense and has gone through a number of occupations, but he has remained faithful to the knives. Since 1993 he has been professionally producing them

Greetings from Bohemian Switzerland

The town of Mikulášovice is depopulated, pubs are closed, but people go to the woods, learn new crafts, work in the gardens, go fishing. And even though the closed borders may remind us of past times, we believe that everything will turn out well.

We will get through this together

The whole planet is experiencing difficult times. The virus unexpectedly interfered with everyone's plans. On social networks, news about an epidemic is usually added by a #spolutozvladneme hashtag that speaks for itself. Keep your fingers crossed for this not only now, but also when the virus disappears.

Rybička proti koronaviru

Jako tradiční česká firma chceme také v současných složitých okolnostech přispět naší zemi. Uvědomujeme si, že kromě nezbytných hygienických a bezpečnostních opatření je také třeba pomoci dětem smysluplně a užitečně vyplnit volný čas. A právě zde vidíme místo naší Rybičky, která by v dětech měla vedle rozvíjení kreativity probudit i pocit sounáležitosti s těmi, kteří bojují s epidemií v první linii. Vyhlašujeme soutěž, která má pomáhat - soutěž o nejhezčí ozdobenou Rybičku - ať již barvami, kamínky nebo jinou technikou.

Fish meat without bones? Try filleting

According to the Czech Fishing Association, Czechs consume only 4 kilograms of fish per year. Moreover, since 1961 the consumption of fish meat has not increased. However, nutritionists find it ideal if we consume at least 17 kilograms of fish meat each year.

Electricians - we have something for

Assembling or repairing wiring is a highly professional job that requires not only a qualification but also precision, reliability and, of course, quality tools. For electricity is what applies to fire - it can be a good servant, but a terrible master. For all electrician professionals, we have therefore developed a specialized knife. You can find it on the market under the name Quattro 349-NH-1.

Linerlock fuse

Several fuse systems are used to secure the folding knives against self-closing. In our blog, we have already talked about the backlock system, which is known mainly from the hunting knives Fixir. Today we want to look at the next method - linerlock

How to keep kitchen knives sharp?

Even the highest quality knife, whether it is a butcher's, kitchen, hunting or special military knife, will become dull from repeated use. Paradoxically, for many of us, this happens not because of frequent usage, but rather because of improper storage.