We usually call it a paperclip, but its correct name is "paper clip with haunch". It is an ordinary piece of wire, which we do not even perceive, but without it, all the offices across the world would face serious problems.
You will no longer cry while cutting onions with Santoku knife
Last week, we dedicated our blog to the traditions that the Santoku knife is based on. Today we want to be more practical and list its advantages over a conventional knife.
Santoku - a knife from the Ruby set that has Japanese roots
Japanese knives - this is a term in itself. Among other things, this is due to different traditions. While in Europe we take the knife as a tool or weapon that can be made by a skilled craftsman, in Japan cutlery is considered a branch with a spiritual background.
The Museum of Cutlery Tradition Is Alive, It Is Not Only About Memories
When the Museum of Cutlery Tradition was founded in Mikulášovice in 2012, it was actually only two modest rooms on the premises of the Mikov factory, which were opened only during working hours on weekdays.
Mikov supported the participation of Czech war veterans on parade British veterans' associations
Mikov financially supported the participation of Czech war veterans at a ceremony March REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY, which will be celebrated on Sunday, November 10 on the occasion of war Veterans in London.
Ruby Knives in Full Force
When we introduced the first four Ruby kitchen knives this spring, we promised that a complete set of knives of the same name would be available in the fall. And this is the time.
Hubert is our latest hunting knife to date. It is named after the patron of hunters, Saint Hubert, whose holiday we celebrate on November 3 - at the time of autumn hunts.
Mikov and Narex Bystrice - Combination of two traditions
When in January 2019 our company bought a manufacturer of hand tools Narex Bystrice, it was a decision, which was aimed to connect and support production and trade in our country, not only in Czech Switzerland but also and under Blaník, Bystřice. Less than a year of cooperation confirms that this was the right way.
Soutěž v časopise Svět myslivosti
Myslivci a lovci patří mezi naše nejlepší zákazníky. Uvědomujeme si, že pořádný nůž patří k jejich výbavě stejně tak, jako přesná kulovnice či brokovnice nebo kvalitní obuv.