Just an ordinary pad?

We recently received a question from a customer asking what kind of pads Mikov uses on the Predator knife. And it's an important question. Most of the time, we're interested in what's visible at first glance - the blade, the blade guard, or the bolsters. But there are other components on the knife. They're hidden, inconspicuous, and yet, if they were missing, the knife wouldn't work properly. The liner is a typical representative of them.
War veteran project - plans and reality

Mikov's tradition includes working with and supporting the armed forces. The War Veteran Project has brought a system and motivation to this tradition that has lasted for years. We regularly contribute to the Military Solidarity Fund and at the same time launch new products.
Mikov for sports and football fans

The football league is coming to an end. It has been decided which clubs will play for the title, which for relegation and which for honour. Every fan of Czech football is delighted with the great results in the European Cups and, most importantly, can't wait for the Czech Republic to play Portugal in their first European Championship match on 18 June.
From the history of openers

We take them for granted, and they've been around forever. When we were born, everyone around us was already using them. Yet it wasn't until the early 19th century that the first one appeared, and the second at the end of it. We're talking about can and bottle openers - now a perfectly normal part of our lives, and also the entire range of Mikov knives.
RWL 34 - steel with a story that pays tribute

Among the exclusive Predator knives, which are among Mikov's premium products, you will find Predators made of RWL 34 steel alongside knives made of Damascene steel. It is a high-quality powder-coated steel that has a high ability to retain its edge and is resistant to wear and corrosion. The name of the steel, however, is not a random cluster of letters, but commemorates an important figure in the world of knife making.
Nože na ovoce

Léto, zdá se, letos nastane ještě dříve, než v jiné roky. A s létem se pojí řada radostí - dovolené, koupání, táboření, grilování, opalování. Vedle toho se na našich stolech také začne objevovat i spousta nejrůznějšího čerstvého ovoce. Ne každé lze konzumovat tak, jak bylo sklizeno, a často ho také chceme použít pro přípravu salátů, kompotů nebo zákusků. Proto k ovoci prostě potřebujeme mít i kvalitní nože Mikov.
Carbon or stainless?

Although the vast majority of our knives are made of stainless steel, Mikov also offers the Commandos knife and one type of UTON knife made of carbon steel. Each type of steel has its own specific features and advantages, which are balanced by some disadvantages.
Když se řekne fulltang

Fulltang je odborný termín, který zná každý, kdo se zajímá o nože - ať už jde o sběratele, řemeslníka nebo člověka, který s noži pracuje v přírodě nebo doma. Je to typ tradiční konstrukce nože, který je ceněn pro svou robustnost a odolnost. Mikov ho proto rovněž používá u celé řady svých nožů.
Knife carving

Carving is a noble hobby. Carvers use specialised carving tools, which we produce in our Narex Bystřice plant. However, a closing knife from Mikov can also be used for carving. Most often we start carving with a knife, for example on holiday, on a trip or when camping.