Aktualne.cz. 20. 5. 2021
Výrobce legendárního nožíku rybička bojuje s plagiátory. Brání se i právní cestou
Museum of Cutlery Tradition is open again
The newly announced quarantine measures allowed us to reopen the Museum of Cutlery Tradition. In the building of the Municipal Information Center in Mikulášovice, you can visit it daily from 9 am to 4 pm, including Saturdays and Sundays.
Rybička stále láká plagiátory, Mikov si to nenechá líbit
„To, že náš nůž Rybička stojí někomu za to, aby vytvářel jeho plagiát, se sice může jevit svým způsobem jako vyznamenání, ale ve skutečnosti je to parazitování na práci a úsilí jiných,“ řekl Karel Ježek, ředitel a majitel firmy Mikov.
Golf with a knife
If you play golf, the season starts for you, so you know that you need to prepare everything you need. Quality equipment - clothes, shoes, or holes - will help you give a good performance on the field. And most importantly, whatever your handicap, you will feel comfortable and comfortable in the time you spend with friends playing that gentleman's game. And it is safe because golf as a sport in pairs with a spacing of at least 10 meters meets all epidemic regulations.
These are the second holidays that we experience unconventionally. Basically, we can't go anywhere in nature, we can't visit each other and we can forget about the classic easter traditions.
Behind our classic kitchen knives is the legend of Czech design
Knives, unlike electronics or home appliances, for example, have a longer life. Often a knife stays in the limelight for decades. And it doesn't have to be just the iconic Rybička or the military UTON. It can also be an ordinary kitchen knife
On Valentine's Day
It is estimated that on Valentine's Day on Earth, a whole billion people will receive a nice note or little something. That is why we have prepared a special "love" edition of decorated Fish knife for you, which can also be such a surprising and original gift. By the way, do you know what is behind the Valentine's Day?
Mikov bets on the prevention and regular testing when protecting workers from COVID-19
Equipping workshops and offices with disinfectants, strict adherence to hygienic measures, temperature sensors at the entrance to the factory, and regular testing - these are the methods by which Mikov fights the spread of COVID-19.
Looking for Spring
When the child heroes of CS Lewis' fantasy book The Chronicles of Narnia arrive in a country ruled by a white witch, they discover that although there is always winter, people living there never celebrate Christmas. It's depressing, and it's a bit like our current January. Let's not fail!