A knife is the Most Useful Promotional Item
Perhaps every one of us has sometimes left a business meeting loaded down with a number of leaflets, catalogs and promotional items from a company visit. However, there is rarely a good knife among them. We think it's a shame.
When you say Damascus steel
Damascene steel is also famously called damask. It is according to the capital of Syria, through which it used to be imported from India. Today, under this name we mean a material that consists of multiple types of steel that are folded into layers and welded in blacksmiths. But before that, it was a little different.
Luxury, 28. 5. 2019
Nože pro generály, záchranáře i Jamese Bonda
Natura Viva exhibition - a place for meeting friends and nature lovers
Hunters, beekeepers, fishermen, foresters, sport-weapons fans, and other nature enthusiasts have already reserved time to travel to Lysá nad Labem at the end of May, as usual. At the local exhibition center, there's regularly held an exhibition which has something to do with their field of interest where they will definitely find something to enjoy.
Mikov po desítkách let opět uvedl na trh kuchyňské nože zpracované legendární technologií kalení Martfrost
Mikov uvedl na trh kuchyňské nože s modrou rukojetí, jejichž čepel je zakalená metodou s využitím hlubokého zmrazení Martfrost. Chce tak připomenout technologii, která vznikla na základě patentu slavného českého metalurga Jaroslava Jecha.
Pocket Knife Set - Design and Elegance First
Knives Pocket is the first actual result of the company's long-term cooperation with the leading Czech design studio Olgoj Chorchoj. In 2014 a meeting decided to launch a knife that would be simple, timeless and elegant, without compromising the quality of the processing and the materials used.
Is the assumption “the Harder the Steel the Better the Knife” always valid?
It is, but not entirely. The quality of the knife is derived mainly from its blade. In order for the blade to last, and the knife not to dull or break quickly, the material must not only be hard but also tough - that is to say, resistant to plastic and elastic deformation.
DENÍK, 5. 5. 2019
Nahradí Rybičku Nožička? Firma Mikov uvedla nůž ve tvaru dámské nohy
Na trh vstoupila Nožička, mladší sestra Rybičky
Nůž s rukojetí ve tvaru dámské nohy patřil mezi tradiční výrobky Mikulášovických nožířských továren už na počátku minulého století. Vzhledem k četným žádostem zákazníků se nyní takzvaná „Nožička“ opět vrací na český i světový trh.