IDnes, 5. 8. 2023
Mikulášovice jsou městam nožů. Slavnosti ukázaly řemeslo, které stále žije
What you shouldn't miss at this year's Knife Festival
This year's Knife Festival will bring a rich programme. That is why we would like to draw your attention to some of its interesting points, which might be overshadowed by the premiere of the new knife of the Football Legends edition with Vladimír Šmicer.
Žádný špeky, 31, 7. 2023
Recenze: Mikov Brignad 393-NH-10 je levná alternativa "supernožů"
Knives are (not) thrown
As young children, we often heard from leaders and parents at camps and trips, "No throwing knives!" Usually it was when we took out our Fishies or even bigger closing knives and tried to see if they would stick in a stump or a log. (We were well-behaved, so of course we knew not to stab a live tree).
Camp knives
Tents, field kitchens, morning warm-ups, night watches, swimming, flag-raising, campfires - all this belongs to the summer camps we almost all went to as children, we remember them with nostalgia and send our children to them again.
We also think about fishermen
The two holiday months are an opportunity for those of us who have outgrown the school to relax, recreate and recharge our batteries. For example, going fishing early in the morning, sitting down by the still quiet river, casting a rod and thinking - this is an ideal time for anyone who has experienced the beauty of fishing. It's not for nothing that they say that time spent fishing by the water doesn't count towards life.
We are fully preparing for this year's Knife Festival
Just like last year - on the first Saturday in August, namely 5.8.20233 at 12:00, the traditional Knife Festival will begin in the sports complex in Mikulášovice. And this year there is also something to look forward to.
Vezměte svůj nůž Mikov na dovolenou a soutěžte s námi na Instagramu
Prázdniny doslova klepou na dveře a tak finišujeme s přípravami a balením na dovolenou. Pro mnohé z nás je nepředstavitelné, že by s sebou nevzali svůj nůž. A proto jsme pro vás na Instagramu připravili drobnou soutěž - jen tak pro radost.
Nová výstava v mikulášovickém Muzeu nožířské tradice seznamuje s osudy vojáků ze stanoviště Tango 23 – Repetitor
Za přítomnosti zástupců Generálního štábu Armády ČR, Vojenského fondu solidarity, města Mikulášovice, vojenských veteránů a firmy Mikov byla v pátek 16. června v mikulášovickém Muzeu nožířské tradice slavnostně zahájena výstava Tango 23 – Repetitor.