Tango 23 Repetitor - a look into the past

In September, we wrote about our meeting with UNPROFOR veterans who directly experienced the attack on their TANGO 23 - Repetitor checkpoint in 1995 and promised more information. So here is the first of them.

King Charles III is the owner of an exclusive Predator knife

In 2010, the Mayor of Brno Radim Onderka presented Crown Prince Charles with a Predator knife with a damascus blade, showing him its functionality. He pressed the lever, the blade quickly opened, the Prince's security guards became alert, but the Prince remained stoic.https://www.mikov.cz/k2-nozirske-vyrobky-vyhazovaci-vystrelovaci-automaticke-noze-predator?lang=en

Mikov and Prim

Our cooperation with Prim began in 2017. At that time, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Operation Anthropoid, we equipped their special package with Orlik watches with our Mikov Commandos dagger, which was marked with the same serial number as the watch. The limited edition of 75 pieces sold out immediately.

Looking back at the Knife Festival

It has been ten years since the first Knife Festival took place in Mikulášovice on May 12, 2012. Since then, they have not been held regularly every year, the longest break was brought by the recent coronavirus epidemic, and so this year, on August 6, only the 7th edition took place. What was it like?

Mikov helps active people who have the desire to make the world around them better

It's not only big events like the Knife Festival, building the Museum of Knife Tradition or the War Veteran Project where Mikov tries to help. There are many talented and capable people in our area and we want to realize their dreams and plans with them.

Mikov supports activities that help the town of Mikulášovice and the whole Šluknov region

Industrial and technological development and ideas are very much tied to how people feel their creativity is received. Mikov contributes to the active and rich social life in which such new ideas are born by supporting interesting projects and talented personalities.

Jakou sbírku nožů máte?

Být sběratelem je vášeň. Mohl by nám o tom vyprávět třeba císař Karel IV., který sbíral relikvie. Takže sbírat se dá prakticky cokoliv - známky, odznaky, turistické známky, vlaječky a samozřejmě i nože.

Rozšířili jsme možnost dopravy z e-shopu o Zásilkovnu

Čas je cenná komodita a proto ho nechceme zbytečně utrácet. Stání ve frontách nebo dlouhé čekání na kurýra pro mnohé z nás proto patří mezi nejotravnější činnosti, kterým se chceme co nejvíce vyhýbat.