Tango 23 Repetitor exhibition over, helping veterans remains a priority for Mikov

On Friday, 27 October, it was possible to see for the last time in the Mikulášovice Museum of Knifemaking Tradition the exhibition dedicated to the fate of the soldiers of the Czech UN mission at the Tango 23 - Repetitor observation point, which was tragically terminated on 5 August 1995 during the Croatian operation Oluja.
The five most important features of Predator knife

Mikov is the largest Czech knife manufacturer offering a complete knife assortment. Among the knives in Mikov's range, there are several types that can rightly be called iconic. These include the Fishlet, UTON military knife, Pocket, a closing knife with an emphasis on minimalist design, the elegant Cube and, in every case, the automatic sprog knife Predator.
Hunting knives

The autumn hunting season is in full swing. Every hunter knows that he or she must go into the woods properly prepared to handle everything that may come his or her way. An important part of hunting equipment is therefore, of course, a quality hunting knife.
Folding knives have been with us for thousands of years

Mikov produces many types of folding knives. The most famous of them are probably the Stovka knives, but also the luxurious Pocket knives for gentlemen or the Hunter, Fixir or Hubert hunting knives. However, closing knives are not an invention of recent centuries, their history goes back much further, to antiquity.
Žádný špeky 5. 10. 2023
Recenze: sponkovačka Mikov Ron 121 nahradí skoro celou dílnu
Repetitor knives auctioned off, Mikov to help war veterans

The charity auction of two Repetitor military knives with the names of two fallen soldiers in the 1995 UN peacekeeping mission - Luděk Zeman and Petr Valeš - ended on Sunday evening, 1 October. Both knives were auctioned for the total amount of 95 700 CZK. Mikov will now donate the auctioned amount to help war veterans through the Wolf Poppies.
Žádný špeky, 28. září 2023
Recenze: Kuchařský nůž Mikov Ruby již nedáte z ruky
Proč používat naše ocílky Mikov

Veškeré nože k tomu, aby dobře a dlouho sloužily, potřebují údržbu a slušné zacházení. Platí to samozřejmě i o nožích Mikov. Uchovávání nožů v suchu a čistotě tak, aby bylo chráněno jejich ostří, je samozřejmostí stejně, jako pravidelná údržba ocílkou.
Repetitor - charitativní dražba nožů směřuje do finále, které vyvrcholí v neděli 1. října 2023

Až do neděle 1. října 2023 se můžete na portále Aukro zapojit do mimořádné charitativní aukce dvou speciálních nožů Repetitor. Mikov celý její výtěžek podle rozhodnutí vojáků z Repetitoru věnuje na pomoc nemocným armádním veteránům.
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